Business Systems and Solutions

Certified cloud experts in AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and Oracle Cloud

ASD via the USPTO Cloud Modernization program will deliver a scalable, hybrid multi-cloud platform to modernize USPTO’s IT infrastructure. We perform migration, modernization of custom developed applications, to include refactoring, re-architecting components, products, and redeploy to an enterprise cloud environment, including product CI/CD pipelines.

ASD is also responsible for the ongoing architecture and planning in support of the DevOps and continuous optimization of the VA’s premier CRM application suite operating on the Azure platform. The application suite is based on Microsoft Dynamics 365 delivered and hosted in the Microsoft Government Community Cloud (GCC) Software as a Service (SaaS).

ASD is also providing Azure cloud architecture services to support the Microsoft Dynamics 365 DevOps program for the VA supporting over 70,000 VA employees that use the D365 implementations on a daily basis to provide customer service to Veterans, their families and beneficiaries. We support the sustainment, operations, maintenance, and enhancement of the D365 based systems and their integrations with the VA’s enterprise.

ASD is providing and maintaining DevSecOps frameworks and applications for various Federal Civilian and DoD clients. ASD is involved with various Git integrations, Jenkins implementation and assisting teams in its usage. ASD is also helping with the use of Terraform, and working on developing our standard approach for multicloud environment. ASD is supporting with implementing and supporting tools that provide automated Security, Performance, Functional and 508 testing and supporting BlueGreen Rolling deployments of these applications.

On the CMS iQIES PASCID program ASD personnel assisted with determining guidelines and standards for deploying to AWS Cloud infrastructure, provided system and application security requirements, and developed security solutions. We Identified and implemented improvements to how we build and deploy software securely, and finally assisted teams with cloud environment issues related to performance, and configuration.

As a full-spectrum system integrator, our broad experience spans the major business system domains: budgeting, financial management, acquisition, and logistics.

We apply and integrate best-fit technologies driven by customer requirements, and we use advanced simulation and modeling tools and techniques to optimize the performance of both business processes and the systems that automate them. We are particularly adept in cross-domain integration. One benefit of this is that our solutions can enable agencies to obtain unqualified financial audit opinions.

ASD has extensive experience and expertise in overall systems engineering and integration for government. This includes complex custom system integration, the integration of COTS software within a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), and the integration of major ERP, CRM, SCM solutions prominent in today’s government enterprise. ASD provides solutions that address the full spectrum of requirements in the financial, procurement, human resources and supply chain domains. ASD’s solutions employ an integrated cross functional approach to maximize investments in existing systems, while leveraging the potential of advanced technologies to implement new, high payback solution.

A Prime Integrator

ASD as a prime integrator, managed, designed, built and tested, under the auspice of the AF – CIO, the AF Director of Transformation, key stakeholders from AFMC HQ, and the ALC’s, various AF logistics and SCM modernization initiatives, encompassing ERP,PDM, PLM and SCM implementations, integrating AF supply, contracting, budgeting systems with key AF suppliers such as Lockheed Martin and GE, including the introduction of the first SOA based architecture within the AF logistics domain, to demonstrate interoperability between AF legacy systems and COTS. Currently, ASD’s support to the AF within the Log and SCM domains, encompass initiatives to assess, and clean various legacy system data, to ensure functionally accurate data for the AF’s modernized systems.

ASD has also assisted AFMC/A4SP with analysis and deployment, developed initiative integration requirements, and conducted supply chain management analysis under PSCM Program, history supporting Logistics, and Supply Chain Modernization Pathfinder efforts. These efforts provided a major step forward in integrating purchasing and supply chain services across the logistics and contracting functional domains. Finally, ASD’s successful experiences with the DoD, Air Force, and the GCSS frameworks, and other government and commercial frameworks, has provided us a thorough set of tools, methodologies, lessons learned, best practices and techniques to apply towards IT modernization.

Comprehensive Management Processes That Optimize Program Resources

We support program offices with comprehensive management processes that optimize program resources. This includes translating requirements into configured systems, integrating technical inputs, characterizing and managing risk, transitioning technology and verifying that designs meet end-users’ operational needs.

Supply Chain Integration Center

ASD developed a messaging-based, three-tier architecture pilot for the Air Force’s Supply Chain Integration Center. This was comprised of a portal layer, messaging middleware layer, and an application layer of COTS Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Management (SCM), and data access software. The pilot demonstrated how this integrated framework allowed for improved responsiveness in filling high-priority requisitions, reduction of unnecessary inventory procurements, increased opportunity for lateral redistribution of assets, and improved collaboration between stakeholders.

Supply Chain Portal-Air Force (SCP-AF)

ASD demonstrated interoperability between commercial and government information technology. COTS applications (Oracle 11i, Manugistics) were rapidly configured to support Air Force processes, business rules, functionality, and MILSTRIP/MILSTRAP transactions. Further, ASD confirmed how functionality from multiple systems could be consolidated into fewer applications with a shared data environment to reduce batch processing and latency for improved transaction execution, less system maintenance and better data integrity. Finally, ASD’s SCP-AF solution demonstrated how complex business logic can be modularized in the underlying systems while business rules, exceptions, and constraints can be externalized to an integration broker where change management is more readily accomplished.

Electronic Single Supply e-Procurement (ESSeP)

ASD developed an integrated, workflow automation solution using an Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) framework. ASD accelerated the Air Force procurement process, and enabled electronic commerce between Air Force and vendor information systems.

ASD provided the Program Management Office of the Marine Corps Global Combat Support System (GCSS-MC) with expert consulting support. ASD’s role was to provide specific assistance for the selection of a COTS business applications software solution in the logistics/combat service support domain, and the selection of a systems integrator to implement the selected COTS applications. As a key part of this support, we provided phased program management support for the PM’s acquisition processes.

For the USAF Data Management Organization – Data Execution Team effort, ASD was tasked to provide the structure, oversight and guidance for data preparation and migration activities associated with the modernization of AF legacy systems within the supply chain, logistics and procurement domains. This includes the ongoing development and refinement of the Data Management Organization (DMO).

Oracle eBusiness Architecture Integration

The WRALC-LMC (Warner Robins Air Logistics Center – Lockheed Martin Aero) Oracle eBusiness Architecture Integration effort involved establishing connectivity between ASD’s SCP-AF (Supply Chain Portal-Air Force) software architecture and the Lockheed Martin eBusiness Architecture for the purpose of exchanging information and processing transactions. Connecting this architecture to the Lockheed Martin eBusiness Architecture demonstrated the strategic benefits of connecting customers and suppliers in a real-time, web enabled environment.

With ASD’s experienced PeopleSoft and military retiree and annuitant payroll subject matter experts and knowledge of enterprise resource planning, we developed and implemented DRAS 2 with enhanced capabilities designed to streamline processes and provide auditable, sustainable, and flexible retiree and annuitant pay capability to better meet user needs.

ASD has experience in designing, developing, and delivering end user training materials in support of business transformation initiatives and enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions. Well-versed in application of ADDIE-based instructional design strategies and practices related to training and audience analysis, concept and task analysis, content outlining and storyboarding, development of web-based and instructor-led training components, creation of performance support, and development of learner practice and assessments


The EDSC is intended to support important aspects of CMS’ Enterprise Data Environment (EDE), the central technical vision in the agency’s effort to establish enterprise-level capability to manage, capture and analyze core data assets. It will provide the flexibility needed to support the rapidly evolving role of CMS in the delivery, management, and payment of health care services. The vision is to transform the data environment from one focused on processing claims to one with state-of-the art capabilities for data analysis and information sharing. This initiative establishes the foundation for modernizing CMS’ data systems, and for supporting the transformation of business and information systems to meet CMS’s overall mission to ensure effective, up-to-date healthcare coverage, and to provide transparency into federal healthcare data.

Under this effort(s), ASD is providing innovative and cost-effective master data management, enterprise portal; business rules management governance, oversight and engineering services. ASD is leading the definition, design and documentation of architectures for the Master Data Management (MDM), Business Rules Enterprise Services (BRES) and Enterprise Portal and ensuring that the solutions are integrated and scalable and that they meet customer expectations. This includes the design and development of the strategy, end-state architecture, transitional architectures, and solutions roadmap. Defining the conceptual, system, technical, and application architectures, and in some instances the business systems/process architecture for major areas of development, with a focus on application architecture.

Additionally, ASD personnel are involved in ETL design, architecture, and development and testing activities and administering and optimizing the pre-existing ETL implementation. This includes developing reliable and complex ETL processes to support new development of the Enterprise Master Data Management projects.

Furthermore, ASD personnel are developing plans for security system and infrastructure implementation by evaluating network & gathering systems requirements for storage, and routers, firewalls, and related security and network devices; adhering to industry standards. Finally, ASD personnel are tasked with Infrastructure implementation responsibilities including gathering requirements needed for the infrastructure tasks for the project. This includes evaluating, commenting, and providing infrastructure assistance to the various teams as needed.

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